A Promising Path To Greater Opportunities
Lyric grew up in rural North Carolina without internet and other necessities often taken for granted. She longed to be the first in her family to attend a four-year university but faced many barriers, including seemingly insurmountable financial constraints. Selena, a College Advising Corps adviser at UNC-Chapel Hill, helped Lyric make her way through the college application process. Together, they explored potential scholarship opportunities. In May 2022, Lyric was named to receive a four-year Jack Kent Cooke Foundation scholarship. Today, she attends Western North Carolina State University where she is majoring in film production. Established in 2007, the UNC-Chapel Hill program places highly-trained advisers, like Selena, who are close in age and can understand what their students are up against.
As a first-generation college student and daughter of an immigrant, I know the power of having people believe in you when the world seems so full of barriers.Leila Zefri, Adviser, Phillip O Berry Academy of Technology